School Time Embroidery Font

$6.99 $3.50

These letters come in  .5" 1",1.5", 2", 2.5", 3" sizes 


We support the following file formats art, exp, xxx, pes, vip, hus, sew, dst, jef and vp3 in the newest designs. This font file INCLUDES BX format.


You will receive all A-Z letters as shown. Some fonts have upper and lower case, some fonts just have one or the other. You MUST have embroidery editing software to merge the letters together to create names, monograms, words and sayings. 


Included in this download you will also find a FONT CARD!! What is a FONT CARD? It is a card that prints perfect on a 4 x 6 index card or on a piece of 4 x 6 photo paper. Print it for a file box, photo album or some other kind of book to keep track of all of your Applique Corner fonts. 


Please note that in some wider/thicker fonts, the largest sizes (usually the largest and on a few the second largest sizes) are created with a specialty satin stitch to fill the sewing area. Embroidery machines cannot "carry" (sew out) a super wide satin stitch. All smaller sizes (generally 3" and under) are done with traditional satin stitching. Narrow fonts come in traditional satin stitch for all sizes.

**Please note that when a font is named "1half" in a file it means 1 1/2, 2half means 2 1/2 and so on. 

Available Options:
